Pharmacy care systems with a minor in Industrial Engineering

Source: This web site Publish date: 2015-10-28 10:25:00

In 14:30 pm, May 9, 2013, adopted by the invitation of school of Mechanical science and engineering, Prof. Alex LinfromUniversity of Cincinnati made a report titled " Pharmacy care systems with a minor in Industrial Engineering "in room 529, Nanling machinery material hall. The report was led by Professor Kong Fansen, head of the Department of Industrial Engineering Department of mechanical engineering, College of mechanical engineering. Some teachers and students attended the meeting.

C. Lin Alex firstly introduced independent pharmacy, pharmacy in the supermarket, as well as the United States, such as the United States pharmacy and other pharmacies were introduced in detail. Then he introduced the application of industrial engineering in pharmacy mainly based on his research background. Through professorLin’s introduction, we can see that the industrial engineering in the field of medicine has been attached great importance to, through the application of industrial engineering theory of medical system management, the medical system in the United States has been a certain degree of improvement. At last, he introduced the current situation of the medical system through some videos.

Professor Lin’s report was with humorous language, simple and vivid examples. The audience has a further understanding to explore the field of vision and the benefit.